Saturday, March 28, 2009
Prank Calls
These guys are awesome, sitting around watching CSPAN and prank calling is the shit. Look at the way the second guys eyes get big while listening to the caller. I think I hate CSPAN so seeing these guys stick it to them is pretty awesome. It's especially ridiculous how flustered the hosts get after the prank callers.
In other news this may be the worst editing I've ever seen.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
I Sure Would Like To...
If you haven't seen Talk to Me starring Don Cheadle get on that and check it out. It's a great flick with a great over all message and a ton of funny stuff. That being said it appears that it didn't even do Petey justice. The way he juggles shock jock, comedy and social commentary is amazing. And damn, Howard used to clown even more, this is crazy that he shows up on tv in black face and says the n word. Wow have times changed.

Flying Fuck Helicopter
They Flying Fuck Helicopter, is there anyway I could fly this around the office?
Bouncy Ball Fun
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Urban Dictionary
1. minute
A very long time.
"yo I haven't seen you in a minute!"
2. minute
used when talking about a period of time much longer than an actual minute. sometimes also called "an ill minute" or "a hot minute".
"Yo i haven't seen you in a minute"
"Man, I been waitin here for an ill minute"
A very long time.
"yo I haven't seen you in a minute!"
2. minute
used when talking about a period of time much longer than an actual minute. sometimes also called "an ill minute" or "a hot minute".
"Yo i haven't seen you in a minute"
"Man, I been waitin here for an ill minute"
I've noticed this word used recently to describe periods that range from a few days, weeks and even years. It appears there is no definite definition. It pretty much means just a long time, but it's all relative to what you're talking about. For instance when my friend said "he's been working there for a minute" I could tell he meant a few years and when a guy yesterday at bball said "Man your thumbs been sprained for a minute" he meant a few weeks. I think. So use context clues and try to guess.
I would advise you never ask how long a minute is, although I have been tempted and may do so next time I'm at the gym just to make the guys I hoop with laugh.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
On the shoe note...
I'm pretty sure the New Balance MT580 Black/Grey/Purple is gonna be my next purchase (besides a new pair of Hyperdunks because I broke mine, but I guess hooping 3.5 days a week for a 6 months will wear some stuff out). I'm no longer rocking SBs, little played out and a little to childish when I'm trying to act like I have a real job and everything. Also, have you seen the new p-rods, gross.
Air Yeezy's
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Domestic Bliss
Vegas Baby!
This could be good, and I got a cramp at 48 seconds from laughing so hard. I like funny movies.
I like sex and I'm good at it
John Mayer's trying his hand at Hip Hop, Kanye and him have already collaborated on Bittersweet. I can't decide if this shows how talented John Mayer is or how easy it is to be a rap producer, but either way I'm digging this.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Still not fishing
As for Gruber Law, we're still alive as we shocked the world yet again, blowing out a team by 25 despite my best efforts (probably 5 missed layups) to blow the game. We're probably one of the hottest teams in the league right now with two convincing wins, but now our regular season 1-11 record goes up against the 11-1 #1 seeded team, which has a very good friend on the team who if we did beat would never live it down (they also have the leader of Grim Reaper Kennels, who well I wouldn't be surprised if he broke the law, is incredibly nice guy, seems to be a good father, is the best player i've ever seen, I wish him all the luck with his legal issues). We actually played them pretty well last time, even leading with a few minutes left in the second half before falling by 8 or so.
Big game for us as some adjustments to our gameplan have made a huge difference, but I have a problem. I'm supposed to be going to the Big Ten Tourney for a wild weekend of basketball, drinking and debauchery. What am I to do? Let the team down or let the boys down? I'm still uncertain, and any suggestions are welcome.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Amazing Shot
null - Watch more free videosI saw this on the travel channel or something two years ago and it just resurfaced today. This guy is so close to being eaten but the well placed shot right between the lion's eyes ends that threat. So scary, and then the guy just stands up and shakes the other guys hand.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Awesome Prank
I've seen a few of these College Humor prank wars but this one is hilarious. His reaction at the end is priceless. I'll also never forget the day that a guy made all the shots at a badger game. First it was a layup, then it was a free throw and then with the clock ticking down he hit a half court shot. I think his name was Urman, I know he was in ZBT and lived in the Statesider with me freshman year. Anyway, it was one of the greatest things I've ever seen and the whole Kohl Center went nuts.e
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Bringing Our Soldiers Home
I felt the same when reading Chris Jones' "The Things That Carried Him" from a May 2008 issue of Esquire. I'd started reading this article a few times and had never been able to get myself to go all the way through it. After watching Taking Chance I decided I had to do it, and again I found myself fighting back tears while reading the article on a crowded train ride back from a conference in Chicago.
As of this Wednesday we have lost 4,251 members of the US Military in the Iraq War. That's 4,251 mothers and fathers who have lost sons. It's hundreds of families where wives or husbands have lost spouses and children have to grow up without two parents. Countless others have lost friends that they'll never be able to have a drink with or do any other things that we all take for granted on a daily basis.
I believe that no matter what your feelings towards the war, your first thought should be of the soldiers, families, and friends who have given the greatest sacrifice. At the very least we owe them our full support. Read the article or watch the movie, see the way the US Military takes care of every soldier that is lost, see the way people across America have united over our losses, and then no matter how soon you want them home, how much you hate what they're doing, what we're doing, I guarantee your first thought from this day forward will be of the soldiers on the ground.
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