Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dear Lord

If this doesn't make you cringe you should be kicked in the shin.


Schwa said...

my only question after i saw that on sportscenter was did they cart him off the field on that same cart that he compound fractured his leg on?

also cj, you should get rid of that word verification shit for posting comments if you can. i don't think you have to worry about people spamming ads on your blog.

Flood said...

I was just about to spam some ads, thank god for word verification

Flood said...

ps are you using Georgia for the font on this blog? my fav font, it has the best looking numbers

RWUL said...

Haha, I don't think I can do that Woz, sorry.

I also don't know which font I'm using Flood. The internets chose for me.