Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Good Morning, Megan

Check out this amazing video and see for yourself what it's like to wake up with Megan Fox.

I'm not gonna lie, sometimes my favorite part of being with a girl is the morning after. Laying in bed, joking around, even some cuddling, it's a great time.  Sun coming in through the window, awesome, don't want it to end. Some girls even look better the morning after.

I'm a big fan, I feel like it's a whole different level of honesty than anything that happened the night before, and a very underrated and under-appreciated part of a good night. Though at the same time (and at a shot of of masculinity) it can be absolutely horrible and is one of the worst parts. But when it's good I love it.

1 comment:

Hot Steece said...

if i could only wake up next to you one morning, carl.