Here's the story on the sweet little sign hack.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cool song, weird video
Good little song, def needs to be sampled by someone who can make it great, these guys didn't quite do it. Weird video though.
Mallo Cups
If you've never had a Mallo Cup get on it, and if you have you know what I'm talking about. These guys are delicious, the only problem is that they're sometimes tough to find. They're basically a Reese's Peanut Butter cup but you replace the Peanut Butter with some delicious marshmallow. Look for them the next time you're a convenience store and give them a try.
I'm afraid of extreme sports. If my kid ever trys to come home and skateboard or bmx or anything like that I'm gonna call him a fag and make him play football.
Who remembers Dunkaroos?
Crack responsible for Edgerrin James' revival
"I know it doesn't sound like much," James says jokingly, "but for crackheads, that's two hits and a solid meal."
The way the night owl James saw it, to regain the form that enabled him to lead the NFL in rushing in each of his first two seasons, 1999 and 2000, it was imperative that he work out on his own schedule, peculiar as it might have seemed. So James created Alligator Alley's answer to a 24-hour fitness center. As for his spotters and running partners, he didn't have a lot of options. "At that time of night the crackheads are the only ones awake," James says. "I'd roll down Second Street, find a dude stumbling around and say, 'Yo, come rack my weights.' Other times I'd pay one to run with me."
The way the night owl James saw it, to regain the form that enabled him to lead the NFL in rushing in each of his first two seasons, 1999 and 2000, it was imperative that he work out on his own schedule, peculiar as it might have seemed. So James created Alligator Alley's answer to a 24-hour fitness center. As for his spotters and running partners, he didn't have a lot of options. "At that time of night the crackheads are the only ones awake," James says. "I'd roll down Second Street, find a dude stumbling around and say, 'Yo, come rack my weights.' Other times I'd pay one to run with me."
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Overheard in the Elevator, again
Guy in Elevator: Hey boss man, you know you can take me to lunch whenever you want.
Old Guy from my Company: um uh haha huh, I actually already ate my lunch, um ah (No idea how to handle this random dude's comment)
Old Guy from my Company: um uh haha huh, I actually already ate my lunch, um ah (No idea how to handle this random dude's comment)
Guy in Elevator: Nah, I'm just playing, but we can...(turns to girl in elevator) Anyway, you know how I'm always asking people for money, hey can I have 5 dollars?
Girl: HAHAHA, you only ask me for $1. (This bitch may be dumber than the Elf fan)
Guy in Elevator: Yeah well one day Scott pulled me aside, and he's like "You know, if you really need something I can lend you some money"(in Chappelle's white people voice) and I'm like MAN HOW WHITE ARE YOU? Ok, I need 100 thousand dollars...but he didn't have that.
Girl: HAHAHA, you only ask me for $1. (This bitch may be dumber than the Elf fan)
Guy in Elevator: Yeah well one day Scott pulled me aside, and he's like "You know, if you really need something I can lend you some money"(in Chappelle's white people voice) and I'm like MAN HOW WHITE ARE YOU? Ok, I need 100 thousand dollars...but he didn't have that.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Real Life Tumbler
Some guy decided to build a Tumbler from scratch just going off the pictures. Pretty fucking insane, I bet it it's a ton of fun to drive.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Awesome dunk. Got me thinking of what's the worst that Lebron has ever gotten dunked on. That lead me to it's an amazing site that has nothing but videos of people getting dunk on. Including his gem. Oh, and Lebron has never really even gotten dunked on, atleast not with any evidence in this site.
Hot Steece: Not just a blog, a lifestyle
This is an email to my brother from Jeremy Crane (founder of Hot Steece) upon his arrival in Israel. A little back story, Jeremy ignored the college convention of using a backpack for this past semester and instead used a briefcase. This email came completely out of the blue and was the first conversation between my brother and J after his departure. While I in no way endorse his actions, I do enjoy them:
Yo benny,
I just wanted you to know that my briefcase is in your basement, you will see it pretty easily if you go down there. You can use it at your leisure. Just keep any important documents safe and the code is 000-000.
Jeremy Crane
Yo benny,
I just wanted you to know that my briefcase is in your basement, you will see it pretty easily if you go down there. You can use it at your leisure. Just keep any important documents safe and the code is 000-000.
Jeremy Crane
Friday, January 23, 2009
Rarely executed and under celebrated double OOP
This is one of the most underrated highlights ever, perhaps I will eleborate why later for those who do not recognize.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
So I tried to do the whole record Lost wait 20 minutes and then watch without commercials, but then I missed the first step and didn't record. Major bummer, but on the plus side I'm now watching RESTAURANT WARS on Top Chef live. Not a bad followup although this has been a down season.
Good find Bill
This Dillon M134D Gatling Gun was mounted inside of a Yukon XL and part of the Obama security brigade. Can you imagine the damage this thing could inflict on a crowd of people? Thank god there's no video of that, here's some of it vs. a sports car from Monster Garage (which in it's day was a great show).
Clown Pimp
Wow, this is nasty. It's also hilarious watching the white team clown. The bench is going nuts, two dudes are running in opposite directions, one guys talking shit to the dude on the ground and finally someone is giving high fives to the fans. Well done boys.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Lakers vs. Clippers

Today the Lakers and Clippers each played a game at the Staples Center, here's a few facts:
Today the Lakers and Clippers each played a game at the Staples Center, here's a few facts:
-2 different courts, 4 different baskets
-Lakers have a smaller scorer's table (by about half) to allow for more courtside seats
-Clipper courtside: $800 Lakers courtside: $2,500
First Horror Story From the Current Economic Climate
Our company has been contracted to attempt to fill some vacant spaces in 6 major malls throughout the state. So me and the mall leasing manager have been in contact for the past few weeks and on friday afternoon at probably 3:30 we set up an appointment to meet at the mall today at 3.
So, today me and another guy from work drive the hour and a half to the mall to meet with dude, and when we get there he's not answering his cell phone. So we walk into the manager's office and ask for him, the secretary doesn't seem to know him (he's based out of Chattanooga) but the manager quickly calls us back, sits us down and tells us he was canned friday afternoon.
Cold Blooded, mind you I talked to him at 3:30, and he's on the east coast, I may have been one of the last people he talked to. The guy was also really nice and funny to talk to. I guess he had been with the company for 20 years and the guy I was with said it was the 5th person he knows who has gotten fired this week.
I need to make a deal for some job security.
Sweet Poster
This is video of Jauquin Phoenix after he does a horrible little rap thing, and the proceeds to fall off the stage. It's cool, but how fucking amazing is that poster? I've got about 12 feet of wall and would love to hook it up with something like that. Anyone know where I can do that?
Why the internet is amazing: The Popped Taco Craze, a case study
Innocent enough?
When an underaged girl gets scammed by Ortega to make herself sound like a slut for mexican food, also cocks.
"Ortega taco sauces makes my taco pop. Pop my taco!"
And why not bring in some Three 6 Mafia?
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Life would be better if people danced more.
Great ad, and they're not just selling you a phone, the phone becomes part of the idea of a connected world and your interesting life.
More Jeremy Crane
The funniest thing on the web
Crane's Blog is the greatest thing in on the web. He welcomes you to the site with the phrase "Welcome to my World" and while it's a place I love to visit I'm glad I don't live there. Whether he's enumerating on Philly and Pittsburgh sport fan's absurdities, the double hand shake, or the gem I've attached below he's off the wall hilarious with a disturbing look at life's absurdities, the only problem is that there's not more of it. Check out the Steece.
"First off all, and most importantly, let me get a whiff???
If I was somehow granted the opportunity to sniff a vagina in the middle of class, I most certainly would. This would be more fun than passing notes, text messaging, doodling or anything else I could think of doing during class. If I was a chick, this video would probably be me.
With that said, how common is this type of occurrence? I would have to imagine that this girl is not the only one who has pulled this move before. So how many girls are doing this and slipping under the radar? And as for the class sniffers, how often are they sniffing?
I happen to know one girl in particular who is undoubtedly a class sniffer. This video would probably sufficiently sum up her time spent in middle school. "
If I was somehow granted the opportunity to sniff a vagina in the middle of class, I most certainly would. This would be more fun than passing notes, text messaging, doodling or anything else I could think of doing during class. If I was a chick, this video would probably be me.
With that said, how common is this type of occurrence? I would have to imagine that this girl is not the only one who has pulled this move before. So how many girls are doing this and slipping under the radar? And as for the class sniffers, how often are they sniffing?
I happen to know one girl in particular who is undoubtedly a class sniffer. This video would probably sufficiently sum up her time spent in middle school. "
Straight Cash Homey
"One Billion Dollar is stacked on 12 standard pallets, alltogether 10 million 100 USD notes. One Billion Dollar is not so much about what you see but what you could do or not do with the money. Besides, this is the most expensive piece of art ever made."
This one of the funniest pictures ever.
I was just thinking about Baywatch, I can't believe that was a real show. Fucking genius. I'm just waiting until the hoff goes all Ahnold on us and becomes governor somewhere.
Barack Obama
There's some show on HBO right now called We Are One: The Obama Inaugural Celebration. I have no idea what the hell it is, but it reminded me of one thing; Barack Obama is unlike any president we have ever had, and this time, his presidency and what is going on in America is unlike anything we as a country have ever seen before.
People are so interested in Obama, they're so connected, there's more hope now than we've ever had when a new president has taken over. I don't know if in our country's history we have ever seen anything like this (and if there was a time like this before it ended tragically).
I wish him all the luck in the world and we need him to be successful. But I also know there is much more to this than what the a show like We Are One. The country is in some of the worst shape it's ever been and we'll probably never be the global superpower we were again, things are changing in America and its a much greater change than the "change we can believe in" and the other slogans his campaign has given us, WE NEED Barack Obama to be one of greatest leaders and one of the greatest presidents that we have ever had.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Gran Torino
Just got back from Gran Torino and I highly recommend everyone sees this movie. I really want to see it again but hate going to movies twice in the theatre. I'll explain more of what makes this movie so rewatchable later, but first allow me to show a better summary of the movie in Eastwood's own words from Esquire's What I've Learned:
"We live in more of a pussy generation now, where everybody’s become used to saying, “Well, how do we handle it psychologically?” In those days, you just punched the bully back and duked it out. Even if the guy was older and could push you around, at least you were respected for fighting back, and you’d be left alone from then on.
I don’t know if I can tell you exactly when the pussy generation started. Maybe when people started asking about the meaning of life."
That basically sums up the movie in its entirety. Eastwood plays an old man who calls everyone a pussy, throws countless racial slurs, and crushes PBRs. It was probably the funniest movie I've seen all year, and this is one of the main reasons I want to watch it again, to steal some of his hilarious lines.
Now, once you're done laughing, Gran Torino is an amazing movie with a great underlying message of life, death and salvation. When the movie ended I almost felt like I was in a daze, I didn't want to stand up and just needed to let the emotions of the movie wash over me. It reminded me a lot of Million Dollar Baby which I saw with my dorm floor freshman year and I'm pretty sure we all cried. Overall this is a great movie I recommend everyone sees and cannot wait for it to come out on DVD.
Earmuffing your girlfriend
The biggest clown I know may be onto something:
Two weeks ago I was out to breakfast with the aforementioned clown and his girlfriend. We get to discussing something related to hooking up and mid conversation, with his girlfriend sitting between us, he turns to her, says "earmuffs," and then proceeds to tell me about some hookup with another girl.
Two weeks ago I was out to breakfast with the aforementioned clown and his girlfriend. We get to discussing something related to hooking up and mid conversation, with his girlfriend sitting between us, he turns to her, says "earmuffs," and then proceeds to tell me about some hookup with another girl.
Overheard at Work
Girl: Have you seen the movie Elf?
Guy: Yeah
Girl: I love it! I think it's so funny when he's in the elevator and pushes all the buttons!
Guy: That's cuz he was with a bunch of white people, I'da hit him in the back of the head and got off.
Guy: Yeah
Girl: I love it! I think it's so funny when he's in the elevator and pushes all the buttons!
Guy: That's cuz he was with a bunch of white people, I'da hit him in the back of the head and got off.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I was really looking forward to this.
I was never a big fan of Super Troopers but randomly fell in love with Beerfest and rewatched Troopers and could not stop laughing. I then assumed Broken Lizard was the best thing ever and watched Club Dread, mistake. It appears that Broken Lizard can only produce a good move every other time they try, so I'm excited for the next.
I really hope this isn't the real video for "Kids," but MGMT is awesome. The first time I heard them was at a serious hipster party and I remember thinking damn this is perfect party music: you can dance to it, you can still talk, it's just good stuff to groove to. So check out some other good MGMT and enjoy, you've prob heard before but I can't figure out where:
Electric Feel
Time to Pretend
Friday, January 9, 2009
NBA Interviews
Dime Magazine recently had this post on a Lebron quote about tonight's game against the Celtics:
"'I can’t say [Friday] is a just another game; I’d be lying,' said LBJ. 'You want to win as many games and try to get homecourt throughout the playoffs.'
"'I can’t say [Friday] is a just another game; I’d be lying,' said LBJ. 'You want to win as many games and try to get homecourt throughout the playoffs.'
It’s almost like he caught himself halfway through that comment. At first, he was saying what he really felt, that he wanted to get revenge for last year’s playoff series and kick the Celt’s while they’re down. But then corporate LeBron kicked in and he started talking about something as far away as homecourt advantage."
Have you listened to an NBA interview lately? It's unreal. Players never say what they want to say so what are the point of these interviews? The questions are useless and the players hate doing them, and don't even get me started on the between quarter coach's interviews.
Look at the newer KG commercial it's basically a celebration of nba interview cliches. I sometimes wonder if the players ever make bets in the locker room to see who can get the most cliches in one interview.
The same thing just happened in Lebron's interview at the end of the game, he hit on every cliche. I would love to see more emotion out of him, and to just once see him let his guard down.
I understand the image the NBA needs to protect and why the players do it, but I really hope that the players and people in the NBA, at ESPN, and in the media realize how big of a joke this part of NBA coverage has become.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I just thought of this
I know this is definitely a bummer, but when I see Sam Bradford looking all fucked up and shit, clearly having just cried, I wonder if he ever wishes he wasn't playing in the National Championship, didn't have to play florida, and was playing in some other bowl against a team they probably would have scored 50 on and won the game?
I mean, now they ain't got shit to celebrate and dude's got his heisman but he's all sad and pissed and hurt. Like he's in a lot of pain right now, where as had they just blown out Ohio State he'd be showered in beer, partying like a rockstar and about to go tear through a team of Sooner cheerleaders.
Fuck, and Tebow's probably doing work right now, that's my dude.
I mean, now they ain't got shit to celebrate and dude's got his heisman but he's all sad and pissed and hurt. Like he's in a lot of pain right now, where as had they just blown out Ohio State he'd be showered in beer, partying like a rockstar and about to go tear through a team of Sooner cheerleaders.
Fuck, and Tebow's probably doing work right now, that's my dude.
Balls of Fury
Balls of Fury has been playing on HBO a lot lately. Sometimes when there's nothing to watch I'll be like "Hey, maybe I should watch that movie again, it's gotta be kinda funny, maybe I just missed something last time."
And then I realize that it'd probably be last painful to shove the remote up my ass sideways, so I change the channel.
I hope Tebow is an NFL Star
He actually seems kinda cool and I think his missionary work is probably pretty noble and maybe he even helps people, I'm even willing to overlook the whole forcing religion on people part of the mission. So I don't really hate him, but no man who loves god as much as himshould be able to have it all (it all being football success and big boobs to play with).
His love of god is offensive. I've yet to ever see an interview with him where he doesn't spend the first 15 seconds praising god. Tonight I changed the channel before anyone had the chance to get a mic in front of him.
Anyway, the reason I wrote this post was to commend some talking voice on ESPN radio. Unfortunately, I can't remember who it was so I can't send him any cash or anything, but I hope someone at ESPN remembers and gives him a pat on the back or a Beej or something.
And to the point: The guy on ESPN said this:
"I don't know if I can pick a winner right now, but I'll tell you this: If the game is on the line and Tim Tebow has the ball with a chance to win this game, Florida will be the national champion."
Now granted they were up 3 when Florida got the ball back, but I just thought that was a great drive at the end of the game and think that Tebow is the man. I really hope he does well in the NFL, and I really wish the announcers hadn't called him Superman all night long.
That is all (look at those boobs again to redeem the rambling) (It's very late for me).
This was the block of the night last night
I laughed outloud. And the announcer goes "Von Wafer...had big ideas there."
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Best New Years Resolution Ever?
Some wrestler from WWE named William Regal says this:
“My New Year’s resolution is to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day, so I can despise everyone longer.”
“My New Year’s resolution is to wake up 30 minutes earlier every day, so I can despise everyone longer.”
"And when one of us gets a haircut we make fun of them"
Jon Lajolie is my dude, I loved 1 and 2 and now he's back with more of the same schtick and I'm still eating it up. I especially love the fact that he gets at himself at the end for doing the same thing over and over again.
Hopefully, no one can relate to all of it but everyone can relate to some.
Hopefully, no one can relate to all of it but everyone can relate to some.
Suck it Tavaris!
I absolutely love it when QBs throw interceptions and then just get fucked up. I guess I also love it whenever a QB fucks someone up too. This same thing happened to McNabb last year in the Dallas game when he threw a pick and then got injured and missed maybe the whole season? I guess it wasn't the same thing though, I feel bad for Tavaris' family after watching this.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I bet this is in Saudi Arabia
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
I think I could make this
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Aisc Retro Running 2009
I'm really digging these Asic Retro Running 2009 shoes, especially the ones above, if anyone can find them in a 12-13 holla at cha boi.
This actually happened
I've seen some video of this guy before and could hardly believe this, I'm excited to see a much more serious documentary being made and think it looks awesome.
I think this is an awesome looking movie that I hope will come to Milwaukee. I'm pretty sure it's out for limited release around the country now and will hopefully be out here soon. And in other good news "The Wrestler" starts playing at the Oriental Theatre on Jan 16, can't wait.
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