Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Impossible Project

 If you didn't know Polaroid has stopped making film for the old instant cameras (this has been coming for a while, and I remember hearing stories of people loading up on film years ago).  But a new company has taken over their production plant in the Netherlands, not with the plan of remaking what Polaroid was, but finding a new way to make instand prints.

"Production of analog Instant Film stopped in June 2008, closing the factories in Mexico (Instant Packfilm production) and the Netherlands (Instant Integral production)."

The Impossible Project is the name of that company, and their goal is to have a new way of creating instant prints in the next year.  Pretty cool idea, and really cool way to market their product as opposed to just launching it normally.

Also check out the Polaroid PoGo, which is the first instant digital camera.

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