Monday, November 3, 2008

For anyone who doens't know about Woot you should check it out, and then you should come back the next day and check it out, and keep repeating every night at 12.  Woot's a sweet site that sells overstock items, refurbs, and just all kinds of random stuff at extremely low prices.  Though I've never bought anything, I have been tempted many a time and whenever I go to the site it's like opening up a new present.  My new goal is to do all my christmas shopping on Woot.  It's always hard to figure out what to get my family and this way they'll get something that's pretty freakin sweet and I'll get it for them at a great price.

To this day I still kick myself for not buying a roomba robotic vacuum that was on there at an extreme discount.  How cool would that have been, and my apartment would have been much cleaner.

1 comment:

Schwa said...

roombas are always on woot. i think they're junk. but that site is great, i bought a bunch of shit on there. also awesome is some nice shirts on there every night.